オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2023 年 03 月 04 日の編集記録

Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by ibukilego
林の範囲を修正 by ffff23
農地を追加 by ffff23
I changed the street running section of Enoden to light rail based on the rule, "A light rail system should be mapped consistently, as long as there are no serious differences."( https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:railway%3Dlight_rail ). by Futamatagawa
Added English name by Gilles Poitras
交差点のディテールアップ by hayashi
交差点のディテールアップ by hayashi
交差点のディテールアップ by hayashi
交差点のディテールアップ by hayashi
神奈川県中央エリア、2023年時点で存在しない信号の削除 by tom_konda
建物・道路・自動販売機追加、横断歩道の情報追記ほか(海老名市下今泉・泉) by Oos1812
神奈川県大和市南林間駅東エリア、地理院シームレス空中写真を使い道路位置を主に修正 by tom_konda
建物をトレース by red_mokuri
Road replaced by Zaneo
バイク店、駐車場、看板を追加 by ffff23
米店、レンタル倉庫を追加 by ffff23
Specify road surfaces by osm-sputnik
Determine roads lane count by osm-sputnik
Specify whether ways are lit by osm-sputnik
Specify building types by osm-sputnik
Specify building and roof levels by osm-sputnik
Specify railway crossing barriers type by osm-sputnik
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by U20
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
新百合ヶ丘駅周辺の店舗を追加 by U20
Add dismount by Zaneo
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
デカ盛ダイニング おはな 綾瀬店 を追加 by nokko
建物をトレース by red_mokuri
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
横浜北労働基準監督署移転 by dame ningen
病院を追加 by ffff23
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
自動車販売店を追加 by ffff23
農地、駐車場、建物を追加 by ffff23
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
建物をトレース by red_mokuri
駐車場を追加 by dame ningen
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by ibukilego
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by ibukilego
Building mapping in the city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. #teachosm-project-1498 #FujisawaCity #FuruhashiLab #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
