オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2023 年 02 月 06 日の編集記録

白い恋人パーク 名称等タグ追加、道路を挟んだエリアを修正、敷地内施設追加、建物分割等(札幌市西区宮の沢) by Hokkosha
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
typo: un -> unpaved by marczoutendijk
虹別東線林道を追記 by PONTA33
虹別林道を追記 by PONTA33
虹別林道を追記 by PONTA33
虹別林道を追記 by PONTA33
虹別林道を追記 by PONTA33
虹別林道を追記 by PONTA33
虹別林道を追記 by PONTA33
仁多林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
摩周林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
北海道建物追加、施設追加、道路追加 by asobize
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
第2札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
第2札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
第2札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
北海道建物追加、施設追加、道路追加 by asobize
第2札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
南富良野町_森林_編集 by jyun76
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
札友内林道を追記 by PONTA33
育留蘂谷林道を追記 by PONTA33
育留蘂谷林道を追記 by PONTA33
育留蘂谷林道を追記 by PONTA33
Specify building types by JanCBorchardt
Survey housenumbers by JanCBorchardt
Survey wheelchair accessibility of places by JanCBorchardt
Survey whether places have seating by JanCBorchardt
Specify path surfaces by JanCBorchardt
Specify bridge structures by JanCBorchardt
Specify whether roads are prohibited for pedestrians by JanCBorchardt
ローソン苫小牧栄町三丁目 by brickbird
Survey toilet availabilities by JanCBorchardt
Specify road surfaces by JanCBorchardt
Specify crossing types by JanCBorchardt
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by JanCBorchardt
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by JanCBorchardt
Determine roads lane count by JanCBorchardt
セブン-イレブン苫小牧大町1丁目 by brickbird
南富良野町_森林_編集 by jyun76
歩道延長 by J_Searobin
alt_nameにタグ付け済みのため、元の名称に変更 by Lagrate
萩野PA (上り) タグ整形 #sapa_japan by nyampire_GRP
萩野PA (下り) タグ整形 #sapa_japan by nyampire_GRP
豊浦噴火湾PA (上り) タグ整形 #sapa_japan by nyampire_GRP
豊浦噴火湾PA (下り) タグ整形 #sapa_japan by nyampire_GRP
highway=street_lamp add. by stosh77
syntax error corrected by Nordpfeil
歩道追加 by J_Searobin
歩道追加 by J_Searobin
更新 by lxgwsierra
更新 by lxgwsierra
Added/updated highways around the industrial area. by okadatsuneo
道路区分の見直し、歩道情報の追加 by Trillium Katagirii
史跡 キウス周堤墓群への道標、交通ミラーを追加 by taki3hira
小字の追加等 by Trillium Katagirii
