オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2023 年 02 月 04 日の編集記録

場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
成田空港 by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
屋上ヘリポート by Mzaki
屋上ヘリポート by Mzaki
屋上ヘリポート by Mzaki
屋上ヘリポート by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
病院ヘリポート by Mzaki
屋上ヘリポート by Mzaki
屋上ヘリポート by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
場外離着陸場 by Mzaki
小櫃川のリレーション作成、流域の編集(鴨川市・君津市・木更津市・袖ケ浦市) by Oos1812
details 根木内歴史公園 by ChillyDL
Created 3 pubs, 3 bars, and 17 other objects; Updated 28 buildings, 2 pubs, and 10 other objects; Deleted 3 buildings; Confirmed 2 restaurants, a video shop, and 2 other objects by higa4
Created a pharmacy, a waste_disposal, and 4 other objects; Updated 15 buildings, a dentist, and a hotel; Confirmed 2 place_of_worships, a library, and 3 other objects by higa4
Created 2 restaurants, a massage shop, and 7 other objects; Updated 4 buildings, a hairdresser shop, and 4 other objects; Confirmed 2 restaurants, a convenience shop, and 3 other objects by higa4
Created an insurance office by higa4
Remove admin_level=6 by gyotoku810
add tags by higa4
add tags by higa4
added buildings, fixed road way by smellman
update tags by higa4
原木IC by gyotoku810
幕張PA (下り) タグ整形 #sapa_japan by アイコラボメンバー4
幕張PA (下り) タグ整形 #sapa_japan by アイコラボメンバー4
