オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2023 年 01 月 31 日の編集記録

勧修寺西金ケ崎周辺の建物を入力、道路を編集 by Climbers High
八条壬生交差点付近の歩道を調整。六孫王神社境内の建物調整。 by taki3hira
八条壬生交差点付近の横断歩道の属性追加。 by taki3hira
六孫王神社境内の街灯追加。付近の地蔵や交通ミラー追加 by taki3hira
GPSで道路修正 by moon00000
Minor cleanup based on a personal visit today by Jeffrey Friedl
Cleanup based on a personal visit today by Jeffrey Friedl
Minor cleanup based on a personal visit today, and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Yikes, a road hadn't been connected where it should have been by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit today by Jeffrey Friedl
Minor cleanup based on road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Survey whether laundries provide self-service by sabamacx
Survey opening hours by sabamacx
Specify path surfaces by sabamacx
Specify paths smoothness by sabamacx
Specify road surfaces by sabamacx
Specify road smoothness by sabamacx
Specify building types by sabamacx
Specify bicycle parkings covers by sabamacx
Specify toilet fees by sabamacx
Created a restaurant and a sauna by Sonam Tshewang
妙心寺 大通院、春光院付近 歩道、柵、街灯追加。位置調整 他 by yasunari
川田清水焼団地町周辺の建物を入力、道路を編集編集 by Climbers High
東舞鶴駅周辺 by Juliet225
added farmland and forest details to Kamocho by ryoro
