オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 01 月 24 日の編集記録

Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
微調整 by aki24053
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
高槻市桜ヶ丘南町付近 by Izumi_
建物変更 by Izumi_
houses. by aerozel
change road type and location by Pandumpling
Created 4 pubs, 3 restaurants, and 25 other objects; Updated 3 restaurants, 2 pubs, and 10 other objects; Deleted 5 pitches, 3 fast_foods, and 5 other objects; Confirmed a post_office by Wish_F
Initial add with Bitcoin tags. #btcmap by BSN21M
淡路の学校にある校庭タグを見直し by K_Sakanoshita
小野妹子墓と付近の情報を追加。階段の位置調整。 by taki3hira
