オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 01 月 23 日の編集記録

スポット情報の追加 by Wish_F
大阪市立日吉小学校近くのズレた道路などを修正 by K_Sakanoshita
Determine whether building construction is now completed by taki3hira
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by taki3hira
Specify road surfaces by taki3hira
Determine roads lane count by taki3hira
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
parking=mechanical_tower by Mzaki
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
朝潮橋PA (上り) #sapa_japan by アイコラボメンバー2
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
houses. by aerozel
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
セブンイレブン (仮設店舗)東大阪店 by frai-b
セブンイレブン 東大阪南上小阪店のタグの微調整 by frai-b
セブンイレブン 東大阪南上小阪店と周辺の微調整 by frai-b
Created 14 pubs, 10 restaurants, and 59 other objects; Updated a dentist, a bakery shop, and 8 other objects; Deleted 2 buildings, a doctor, and 3 other objects; Confirmed 2 restaurants and 2 pubs by Wish_F
セブンイレブン (仮設店舗)東大阪店 by frai-b
1/23から変更されたバス停名を反映。重複したタグを削除。中央分離帯で分かれてない道路が2本のウェイになってるのを1本に修正。 by Rakkka
ローソン 東大阪小若江三丁目店 by frai-b
Created 6 vending_machines, a fast_food, and 7 other objects; Updated a hairdresser shop, a post_box, and 4 other objects; Deleted 2 buildings and a cafe by Wish_F
友井変電所 by frai-b
no bitcoin payments by r121100
no bitcoin payments by r121100
no bitcoin payments by r121100
no bitcoin payments by r121100
no bitcoin payments by r121100
no bitcoin payments by r121100
no bitcoin payments by r121100
