オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 01 月 19 日の編集記録

ファミリーマート 東大阪横小路店 マクドナルド 外環東大阪店 およびその周辺 by frai-b
くら寿司 横小路店 by frai-b
ファミリーマート 柏原本郷三丁目店 by frai-b
add/adjust: features(natural), POIs. by harumiusinc
くら寿司 横小路店の横の民家を店舗用地のエリアから除外 by frai-b
Created a building, an entrance, and a bakery shop by pdqp
Updated a bakery shop by pdqp
Created 3 restaurants by pdqp
Created 2 restaurants by pdqp
Updated a restaurant by pdqp
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
北貴望ケ丘付近の建物、道路を追加 by taki3hira
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
houses. by aerozel
update the road by Pandumpling
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
泉大津PA (下り) #sapa_japan by nyampire_GRP
泉大津PA (上り) #sapa_japan by nyampire_GRP
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
houses. by aerozel
Created 18 restaurants, 8 pubs, and 28 other objects; Updated 4 buildings; Deleted 4 buildings, a public_bath, and a pub by Wish_F
mane -> name by mueschel
東三国付近の建物の修正、トレースと解体建物の削除、スポット情報の修正 by Wish_F
高槻市柳川町周辺の建物を修正 by K_Sakanoshita
JOSMエラーの解消 by okadatsuneo
宮原の解体建物の削除と新築マンションを描画 by Wish_F
宮原の解体建物の削除と塀の描画 by Wish_F
八幡市の大谷川のlayerタグを削除 by 鵜飼 実幸
八幡市小金川の橋本樋門にlayerタグを追加 by 鵜飼 実幸
Adjusted wood area and ways to aerial image. Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Created a hairdresser shop by K_Sakanoshita
Adjusted wood area and ways to aerial image. Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Adjusted wood area to aerial image. Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Fixed multipolygon. by okadatsuneo
