オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2023 年 01 月 15 日の編集記録

refine tags: shop=米 -> shop=rice by higa4
refine tags: shop=100円均一 -> shop=variety_store by higa4
refine tags: shop=cigar -> shop=tobacco by higa4
神の倉周辺詳細化 by ichitaro
情報更新 by Toshi_
情報更新 by Toshi_
新規登録 by Toshi_
新規登録 by Toshi_
新規登録 by Toshi_
情報更新 by Toshi_
新規登録 by Toshi_
情報更新 by Toshi_
情報更新 by Toshi_
情報更新 by Toshi_
新規登録 by Toshi_
remove duplicated and incorrect main key shop=karaoke by higa4
updated path by 329
refine tags: shop=cake -> shop=pastry by higa4
refine tags: shop=cake -> shop=pastry by higa4
名古屋 by JaLooooNz
四郷スマートタウン by iroro
貝津 池 by iroro
瀬戸大府東海線 by iroro
新規登録 by Toshi_
新規登録 by Toshi_
情報更新 by Toshi_
新規登録 by Toshi_
surface->parking by Mzaki
surface->name by Mzaki
surface->source by Mzaki
ポイントを追加しました。 by Tsukamoto Keishi
motorway by zyxzyx
豊川市馬場町の地物を基盤地図情報をもとに追加修正 by torimomo
名古屋市南区元塩町一丁目 建物 by 円周率3パーセント
Created 6 restaurants, 2 vending_machines, and 18 other objects; Updated a company office, a toilet, and 3 other objects; Deleted a photo shop; Confirmed a convenience shop, a place_of_worship, and a photographer by Biebie_matsu
Deleted a bank by Biebie_matsu
