オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 01 月 03 日の編集記録

Update(add/fix/adjust): sidewalks, tags. by harumiusinc
あべのキューズモール内の歩行者向け通路の改善、調整(南部分が実在しない状況で描画されていたため修正。level=1とされていたhighway=corridorは実際のlevel=0に近い形状かつ通り抜け通路としても無意味な状況になっていたので、1階ベースで置き換え。並列するエスカレーターを統合、関連する階層別に変更して接続) by harumiusinc
building=bridge by ALu68
refine tags by higa4
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
京阪千林駅周辺の建物を追加 by K_Sakanoshita
上ノ太子駅の自動販売機を追加 by taki3hira
Created 3 vending_machines, 2 buildings, and 6 other objects; Deleted 4 buildings by Wish_F
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
孝徳天皇陵の拝所付近の情報を追加 by taki3hira
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
孝徳天皇陵付近、餅屋橋南側の建物や自動販売機などをを追加 by taki3hira
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
houses. by aerozel
houses. by aerozel
Updated a structure by Wish_F
Created 5 pubs, 4 restaurants, and 10 other objects; Updated a fast_food and a building by Wish_F
Updates based on http://nekotani.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2777.html and on road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp and personal knowledge. by Jeffrey Friedl
Created a fast_food by Wish_F
Minor cleanup based on road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Created a bar by K_Sakanoshita
Created a bar by K_Sakanoshita
Add missing steps by Nadeflore
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. Fixed highway tag. by okadatsuneo
add wikidata tags within Nara Prefecture, JP-29, Japan by higa4
