オープンストリートマップ 福岡県 2022 年 12 月 27 日の編集記録

farmland by osmtrvl
国土地理院GSIMAPS/std、全国最新写真(シームレス) を参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
Removed obsolete path, added streams and buildings by Alichson
Added streams and culverts by Alichson
いきいきほーる前JR高架下道路 by Otenkiya
Added waterways, highways, buildings and POI by Alichson
Added waterways, highways and POI by Alichson
Added highways and surface tags, buildings and POI by Alichson
Created a cafe by streamist
osmi routing view fixes by ratrun
建物・道路・エリアの追加と修正、更新 by mitubato
add more detail to area by osmtrvl
add more detail to area by osmtrvl
Created a restaurant by streamist
add more detail to area by osmtrvl
Created a nightclub by streamist
add more detail to area by osmtrvl
