オープンストリートマップ 長野県 2022 年 12 月 21 日の編集記録

added wikidata ID by tyler_expedia
added wikidata ID by tyler_expedia
みどり湖PA (下り) タグ整形 #sapa_japan by アイコラボメンバー1
みどり湖PA (上り) 駐車場 タグ整形 #sapa_japan by アイコラボメンバー1
Reverting edits from Google Maps and other invalid sources (Nagano, Japan) by Lagrate
Reverting edit from Google Maps and other invalid sources (Nagano, Japan) by Lagrate
Reverting edit from Google Maps and other invalid sources (Nagano, Japan) by Lagrate
Reverting edits from Google Maps and other invalid sources (Nagano, Japan) by Lagrate
Reverting edit from Google Maps and other invalid sources (Nagano, Japan) by Lagrate
Reverting edits from Google Maps and other invalid sources (Yamanashi, Japan) by Lagrate
Various fixes by Zaneo
