オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2022 年 12 月 14 日の編集記録

タグ調整(建物名称とテナントが異なっている/建物階数にroof:levelsと屋上階は含まない). by harumiusinc
Add buildings. by harumiusinc
竹内街道沿いの案内地図など追加 by taki3hira
houses. by aerozel
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
バス停・地下鉄の入り口の建物などを追加・修正。 by Rakkka
houses. by aerozel
国土地理院標準地図を参考にトレース by aki24053
Created a convenience shop by mds878
Minor cleanup based on road data at gsi.jp and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Minor cleanup based on road data at gsi.jp and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
総持寺エリア詳細化 by Jakugoro
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Buildings, Parkings by zoneβ
Added a bunch of roads as seen in satellite photos. Changed the "cycle line" from a foot path to a cycle+foot path. Lots of little cleanup. by Jeffrey Friedl
上新田3丁目公衆電話を追加 by sakamotomari
Created a company office by K_Sakanoshita
グルメシティ南方店の詳細属性追加 by taki3hira
ローソン上新田3丁目店を追加 by sakamotomari
コミュニティカフェkiito残念ながら閉店 by sakamotomari
壺井付近の農道を追加 by taki3hira
でんでんタウンのジョーシンの店舗を滅失 by くっすん
でんでんタウンのジョーシン日本橋店を追加 by くっすん
