オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2022 年 12 月 10 日の編集記録

宅配ロッカーのタグ付けを変更 by ffff23
横浜市港南区・磯子区 崖地編集 by Ryo-a
町田市三輪緑山・三輪町 by Esquivalience_Argleton
Specify road surfaces by trafficone
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by trafficone
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by trafficone
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by trafficone
Add whether public transport stops are lit by trafficone
Specify path surfaces by trafficone
Specify building types by trafficone
Specify fire hydrant positions by trafficone
Specify whether steps have handrails by trafficone
Specify whether steps have a ramp by trafficone
Specify which way leads up for steps by trafficone
Determine place names by trafficone
Created a main entrance by Zaneo
Benches by Zaneo
Emergency train stop by Zaneo
Street light and traffic light by Zaneo
Footpath by Zaneo
Vending machine by Zaneo
Entrances by Zaneo
Entrances by Zaneo
Signs by Zaneo
Signs by Zaneo
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Pichalupa
unclassified by zyxzyx
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Pichalupa
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Pichalupa
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Pichalupa
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Pichalupa
神奈川県大和市中央エリア、PLATEAU 写真を使い道路位置を主に修正 by tom_konda
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Pichalupa
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Pichalupa
市ヶ尾周辺の建物を追加、形状を改善 by ffff23
現地調査を基に市ヶ尾周辺の建物情報、POIを追加 by ffff23
会社などがありました。周辺の道路のずれを微修正しました。 by pukkun
osmi routing view fixes by ratrun
会社などがありました。周辺の道路のずれを微修正しました。 by pukkun
道路追加等 by machiro
会社などがありました。周辺の道路のずれを微修正しました。 by pukkun
会社などがありました。周辺の道路のずれを微修正しました。 by pukkun
