オープンストリートマップ 福岡県 2022 年 12 月 09 日の編集記録

changed site_type to #archaeological_site by b-unicycling
京町3丁目7,9,10,15を編集 by 1228748920
鉄道トンネルのリレーションの作成:関門海峡 by Pekachu
Parking space too big. Is it a parking lot? - World #Osmium #QuickFix #maproulette by traveleditor
Add opening hours and contact details for art museum by okwithmydecay
Add entrance by okwithmydecay
Building has two levels, add cafe and restaurant by okwithmydecay
Add steps by okwithmydecay
Add artwork by okwithmydecay
Gazebo by okwithmydecay
Add torii and building by okwithmydecay
