オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2022 年 11 月 25 日の編集記録

Street level details by Zaneo
通称道路名など追加 by エゾモモンガ
リレーションなどを追加 by エゾモモンガ
道路名追加 by エゾモモンガ
add footways by higa4
Survey whether places have vegetarian food by trafficone
Survey whether places have vegan food by trafficone
Specify path surfaces by trafficone
Determine the heights of kerbs by trafficone
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by trafficone
Specify building and roof levels by trafficone
Specify building types by trafficone
Specify road surfaces by trafficone
Specify crossing types by trafficone
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by trafficone
ムーバス三鷹駅北西循環ルート by mitubato
update by yutosakyo
建物・道路・エリアの追加と修正、更新 by mitubato
建物・道路・エリアの追加と修正、更新 by mitubato
Parking space too big. Is it a parking lot? - World #Osmium #QuickFix #maproulette by traveleditor
十条付近の現地調査に基づき追加、修正等 by umapjpnic793
Determine the heights of kerbs by trafficone
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by trafficone
Specify crossing types by trafficone
Specify power poles material type by trafficone
Survey if places still exist by trafficone
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by trafficone
Specify path surfaces by trafficone
Specify building types by trafficone
Survey whether places have vegetarian food by trafficone
Survey whether places have vegan food by trafficone
Specify building and roof levels by trafficone
Specify road surfaces by trafficone
Specify whether there are crossings at intersections of paths and roads by trafficone
Parking space too big. Is it a parking lot? - World #Osmium #QuickFix #maproulette by traveleditor
四谷周辺 by 近場行き
晴海 by Mzaki
Addition of Vending Machine by trafficone
add footways by higa4
add footways by higa4
add footways by higa4
add footways by higa4
東京駅 by Mzaki
