オープンストリートマップ 長野県 2022 年 11 月 01 日の編集記録

changed historic key to name, added historic=castle by b-unicycling
Created a hotel; Updated a castle and a hotel by Kirk Tilney
Updated a hotel and an information by Kirk Tilney
長野市 若里周辺 by nabetaro
Change roads type by Rectangleee
Change speed limit by Rectangleee
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
原ノ平 by bananapan
富田城址 by bananapan
富田城址 by bananapan
高羽町 by bananapan
本町踏切 by bananapan
Change roads type by Rectangleee
Change roads type and permissions by Rectangleee
Specify road surfaces by Perfunct
Specify whether there are cycleways by Perfunct
Determine roads lane count by Perfunct
Specify path surfaces by Perfunct
Specify whether there are cycleways by Perfunct
Determine roads lane count by Perfunct
modification by koyokoyoyoyoyo
Bing衛星画像にもとづき,地物を追加または変更。 by KasaiToushi2004
