オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2022 年 10 月 17 日の編集記録

京都一周トレイルから奥比叡ドライブウェイへの道を追加 by yasunari
retagged archaeological site by b-unicycling
嵐山周辺の編集(京都市右京区・西京区) by Oos1812
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (P338DG7XHZV41noY7TQJ9w => 3792252060824518) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
戸寺バス停付近の建物、店舗情報を追加 by taki3hira
Created a fast_food by MapperMudkip
Specify whether steps have handrails by MapperMudkip
Specify whether steps have a ramp by MapperMudkip
Survey if places still exist by MapperMudkip
Survey if places still exist by MapperMudkip
Created 2 vending_machines; Updated a vending_machine by MapperMudkip
Updated a vending_machine by MapperMudkip
Created an information by MapperMudkip
Specify whether steps have handrails by MapperMudkip
Specify whether steps have a ramp by MapperMudkip
Specify path surfaces by MapperMudkip
Survey whether benches have backrests by MapperMudkip
Survey if places still exist by MapperMudkip
Update based on personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Created a vending_machine by MapperMudkip
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by MapperMudkip
Specify building types by MapperMudkip
国土地理院GSIMAPS/std、Maxar Premium Imageryを参照して編集 by taketaketake
Specify railway crossing barriers type by MapperMudkip
Created a fixme by MapperMudkip
国土地理院GSIMAPS/stdを参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
御陵牛尾町付近道路を編集 by Climbers High
Specify road surfaces by MapperMudkip
Specify building types by MapperMudkip
Updated a hotel building by MapperMudkip
