オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2022 年 10 月 11 日の編集記録

Removed Tokyo International Airport from Tokyo Bay Relation. The airport was already separated from the bay by a series of coastline lines forming part of the relation for the bay as outers. 東京湾リレーションから東京国際空港を削除。 空港は、湾をアウターとしての関係の一部を形成する一連の海岸線によって、湾からすでに分 by WoodWoseWulf
added some buildings by つse
fixed some nodes by つse
added some information by つse
fixed some nodes by つse
added some information by つse
建物・駐車場・墓地・緑地・林・池・歩道・横断歩道等追加、店舗のタグ更新、閉店した店舗反映ほか(木更津市) by Oos1812
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (Tmvwv3tHs4sb3049CnMFqQ => 907006386757713) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
Specify road surfaces by Yaaaaaaaa
Specify railway crossing barriers type by Yaaaaaaaa
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (TVHD42a6lRe4vL4_rPw7uA => 765230067693137) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (TVJ69NIwN4Lr23WtinqmGw => 134779205330208) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
Add Restaurant, Variety store, Hairdresser, Massage, Prep school; Edit Alcohol. by つse
Add some buildings. by Biebie_matsu
Add Picnic table, Toilets, Basketball, Hotel, 2 Playground; Edit Fast food. by Yaaaaaaaa
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (UobtZyR26q6qhzLsGkZmmA => 201746294891303) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
Update some buildings' names and add some POIs around them. by Biebie_matsu
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (V5lm5xy_rG7Ymv-cBYfAtg => 2808236796093735) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
yukarigaoka by 7623421
敷地 by yamajun
