オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2022 年 10 月 05 日の編集記録

Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (7Rw0LwUqlnrRf-Ay4RKIFg => 215404653489340) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
千葉市花見川区・美浜区・稲毛区・中央区の地名種別修正 by gyotoku810
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (8N7umn07B4SWRleGyW2d4g => 749107145783803) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (8X29rhvn-fJl9TNn0NqPLQ => 1443908079291788) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (96fE75zRLmRr1tVW9JNlSA => 204020821534991) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
日東交通バス木更津鴨川線のリレーション更新、各種問題点修正、建物・農地・ソーラーパネル・横断歩道等追加ほか(君津市) by Oos1812
Add 2 Restaurant. by つse
fixed some nodes by つse
fixed some nodes by つse
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (aiMD2QDrHRQWl4k2dyyJfg => 496540784718189) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
高須箕和田線 by Mzaki
交差点規制が過剰のため削除 by taketaketake
交差点規制が過剰のため削除 by taketaketake
fixed some nodes by つse
Extending a route to contain all the relevant stations and tracks. by Bramson
Extending a route to contain all the relevant stations and tracks. by Bramson
Update mapillary value from API v3 to v4 ID (bukU3bU3Elkx5r1Dmta76A => 250834203394764) by kmpoppe (@ Mapillary Update)
建物・温室・農地・墓地・防火水槽・ソーラーパネル・道路・階段等追加、情報追記ほか(君津市・木更津市) by Oos1812
