オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2022 年 10 月 02 日の編集記録

added buildings by gaku-tt
道路追加等 by machiro
建物 by yyoha
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific #CALUGIS #building by GAN1709
Updated 5 buildings by Zaneo
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific #CALUGIS #building by GAN1709
信号へUターン禁止設定 by SD 永田
信号へUターン禁止設定 by SD 永田
added buildings by gaku-tt
建物・農地・花壇・横断歩道等追加ほか(海老名市上今泉・下今泉) by Oos1812
名称追加 by M_Kakuda
motoway_link by zyxzyx
誤記訂正 by M_Kakuda
小沼東公園の形状を修正、周辺道路を編集、園内の水飲み場と公衆電話を記入 by kawah64
Created 2 entrances by Zaneo
Created a restaurant by Zaneo
属性変更 by SD 永田
Entrances by Zaneo
相模大野駅をwiki記載のルールに合うよう修正 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:railway%3Dstation by mds878
Costco area by Zaneo
Costco area by Zaneo
Corrected building position. by nickcheng
added a house. by nickcheng
added houses. by nickcheng
added a park. by nickcheng
Crosswalks, parking, and stop signs by Zaneo
added a foot path. by nickcheng
fixed a warning. by nickcheng
added a park. by nickcheng
Added buildings. by nickcheng
added parking lots. by nickcheng
corrected the building shape. by nickcheng
added crosswalks by nickcheng
layer=1追加 by a2021
Service road by Zaneo
Fix description by Zaneo
Add wall by Zaneo
