オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2022 年 09 月 26 日の編集記録

東十条付近の現地調査に基づきPOIを追加、修正等 by umapjpnic793
Japan Edogawaku-Ward looks okay, but I keep on producing warnings when draw sidewalks around SMDC apartment complex in Pasay by @eliday
道路追加等 by machiro
東京都 中野区 中央5丁目 更新 by KKK-jp
各種問題点修正、横断歩道・樹木等追加ほか(町田市・相模原市) by Oos1812
Stop signs and crosswalks by Zaneo
Created a pitch and a fixme by Zaneo
Created a pub by Zaneo
東京都世田谷区新町一丁目周辺の道路建物をGSImapにて入力、編集 by ikiya
記載のないビル名を登録 by shogo_kaneishi
東京都世田谷区新町一丁目、深沢小学校周辺の道路建物をGSImapにて入力、編集 by ikiya
Specify road surfaces by Dirk R_t
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Dirk R_t
Determine roads lane count by Dirk R_t
Determine road widths by Dirk R_t
北野台の地物を更新 by KOIZUMI Satoru
Updated a fast_food by Zaneo
Created a bollard and an artwork by Zaneo
Updated a turnstile by Zaneo
Created a restaurant and a dentist by Zaneo
Updated a convenience shop by Zaneo
住宅・店舗の追加及び形の調整 by kakkokari
Parking lots, crosswalks by Zaneo
Crosswalks, and parking by Zaneo
Crosswalks, parking, and stop signs by Zaneo
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
東京都八王子市を現地調査し,地物を追加および変更。 by KasaiToushi2004
add wikidata tags by higa4
Tactile paving of crossings (Ota, Tokyo, Japan) by Zaneo
add footways by higa4
add wikidata tags by higa4
add footways by higa4
add footways by higa4
add footways by higa4
