オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2022 年 09 月 20 日の編集記録

建物名称の追加 by meicb
建物名称の追加 by meicb
名称追加 by yshimazu
加古川市l神野町の追加、修正 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by HarimaWood
加古川市l神野町の追加、修正 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by HarimaWood
#maproulette by Bman
#maproulette by Bman
#maproulette by Bman
#maproulette by Bman
#maproulette by Bman
#maproulette by Bman
Fixed tag. by okadatsuneo
道の追加 by ふにしき
Added/updated shops and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
歩道撤去 by MasaNak
Specify building types by Shinji Enoki
Determine the heights of kerbs by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by Shinji Enoki
Add whether public transport stops are lit by Shinji Enoki
Updated a building by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by Shinji Enoki
Specify path surfaces by Shinji Enoki
Specify road surfaces by Shinji Enoki
Survey if places still exist by Shinji Enoki
Specify religion for wayside shrines by Shinji Enoki
Specify board types by Shinji Enoki
Created a bakery shop; Updated a pharmacy by Shinji Enoki
Created a ticket shop and a convenience shop; Updated 2 cafes and a clothes shop by Shinji Enoki
Updated 2 convenience shops, a bag shop, and a cafe by Shinji Enoki
須磨海浜公園周辺のマッピング by ppiko
須磨海浜公園周辺のマッピング by ppiko
杭瀬のきていを追加 by openamap
小野商店街周辺の編集 by asami-mm
小野町商店街の追加 #codeforharima #オールフリーの会 #北播磨マッピングパーティ #ごちゃマップ #昭和レトロな小野町商店街 by HarimaWood
小野商店街周辺の建物を追加 by K_Sakanoshita
小野町商店街の追加 #codeforharima #オールフリーの会 #北播磨マッピングパーティ #ごちゃマップ #昭和レトロな小野町商店街 by HarimaWood
名称追加 by yshimazu
建物修正、追加 by Yusuke1109
Added/updated power towers and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
