オープンストリートマップ 長野県 2022 年 09 月 16 日の編集記録

osmi routing view fixes by ratrun
長野日本無線周辺 by nabetaro
Specify speed limits by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether bus stops have shelters by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether bus stops have benches by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether roads have shoulders by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify road surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether there are cycleways by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine roads lane count by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking access by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether parking require a fee by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
国土地理院GSIMAPS/stdを参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
国土地理院GSIMAPS/stdを参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
長野市 小松原周辺 by nabetaro
Specify building types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify road surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether there are cycleways by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine roads lane count by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify building and roof levels by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey opening hours by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey wheelchair accessibility of places by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify type of tourist informations by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify board types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey toilet availabilities by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets in places by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether roads have shoulders by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify speed limits by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether bus stops have shelters by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether bus stops have benches by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify maximum allowed weights by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
新光電気工業 by nabetaro
長野県長野市を現地調査し,地物を追加および変更。 by KasaiToushi2004
長野県長野市を現地調査し,地物を追加または変更。建物の位置や形はBing衛星画像を利用した。 by KasaiToushi2004
長野県上水内郡小川村を現地調査し,地物を追加または変更。 by KasaiToushi2004
