オープンストリートマップ 長野県 2022 年 09 月 13 日の編集記録

信濃路自然歩道 by bananapan
信濃路自然歩道 by bananapan
野底山森林公園 by bananapan
野底山森林公園 by bananapan
破壊された交差点形状等を復元 by taketaketake
鼎の道を実態に合わせた by bananapan
夢かなえ隊 水田 by bananapan
遠州街道 by bananapan
やわた by bananapan
長野市 小松原周辺 by nabetaro
遠州開度 by bananapan
長野県長野市を現地調査し,地物を追加または変更。 by KasaiToushi2004
Survey wheelchair accessibility of public transport platforms by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether bus stops have shelters by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether bus stops have benches by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether bus stops have bins by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether bus stops have tactile paving by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey opening hours by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey toilet availabilities by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine bus/tram stop names by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify building types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify building and roof levels by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify road surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking access by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether roads have sidewalks by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine place names by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey wheelchair accessibility of places by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey if places still exist by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify maximum heights by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify speed limits by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify path surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether parking require a fee by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify path surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify road surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether there are cycleways by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine roads lane count by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify speed limits by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking access by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether parking require a fee by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey opening hours by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey whether payment with cards is accepted by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify building types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify building and roof levels by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey wheelchair accessibility of places by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking access by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether parking require a fee by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey opening hours by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey whether places have vegetarian food by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey wheelchair accessibility of places by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify path surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
長野県長野市を現地調査し,地物を追加および変更。 by KasaiToushi2004
