オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2022 年 09 月 05 日の編集記録

added buildings by gaku-tt
道路の追加 by pikob331
It's change location of point. by Yuko_Ino
It's change location of point. by Yuko_Ino
It's change location of point. by Yuko_Ino
add by 57t
remove by 57t
Fixing some stations and their stops by Bramson
Fixing some stations and their stops by Bramson
道路追加等 by machiro
Fixing some stations and their stops by Bramson
Fixing some stations and their stops by Bramson
地下鉄と地上道路が接続されていたのを修正 by hayashi
地下鉄と地上道路が接続されていたのを修正 by hayashi
交差点の詳細化 by hayashi
Edit by osmosmosm0228
信号機設置、ポイント移設など by 近場行き
Change type to Path for consistency with other trails in the area by derinw
