オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2022 年 08 月 18 日の編集記録

もりのみやキューズモールの建物、歩道などを追加・修正 by K_Sakanoshita
もりのみやキューズモールの広場の修正 by K_Sakanoshita
黒鳥山公園内の編集 by Kanikama
天王寺区・浪速区 by Masataka Yuki
Created a pub by mas_higa
Updated a pub and a restaurant by mas_higa
Fixed footway in Fukushima ward of Osaka by sue77
Fixed bus stops in Fukushima ward of Osaka by sue77
Added bus stops in Fukushima ward of Osaka by sue77
Added sidewalks in Fukushima ward of Osaka by sue77
Added sidewalks in Fukushima ward of Osaka by sue77
Added sidewalks in Fukushima ward of Osaka by sue77
Added sidewalks in Fukushima ward of Osaka by sue77
施設名の更新他 by Kanikama
Added taxi in Nagata by sue77
位置修正 by 紗楽マーク8
修正した by miya0001
modify : フレスト香里園建物解体により連絡橋も撤去 by lucifer-to
modify : 香里園駅の広場?を修正 by lucifer-to
modify : 香里園駅の階段を修正 by lucifer-to
Updated a cafe and a coworking office by K_Sakanoshita
add : 美井やまもも公園 by lucifer-to
Split segment at bifurcation point by fuckinbennyboy
Osaka metro: recover Esaka station in routes #vk_maps by azakh-world
add : 香里園駅構内売店追加(旧アンスリー) by lucifer-to
