オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2022 年 08 月 18 日の編集記録

茅ヶ崎市民俗資料館関連の編集(茅ヶ崎市堤・柳島) by Oos1812
Minor improvements to Futako Tamagawa park by jeandeaual
道路追加等 by machiro
update, remove, add by 57t
建物 by yyoha
建物削除 by Banshee12
add, update, remove by 57t
Connecting stations and subway entrances to the network. by Bramson
編集しました。 by osmosmosm0228
修正 by yyoha
Connecting stations and subway entrances to the network. by Bramson
敷地内道路情報の作成 by SD 永田
敷地内道路情報の作成 by SD 永田
属性変更 by SD 永田
Duplicated geometry and tags by didier2020
Duplicated geometry and tags by didier2020
Duplicated geometry and tags by didier2020
Duplicated geometry and tags by didier2020
Duplicated geometry and tags by didier2020
Duplicated geometry and tags by didier2020
属性変更 by SD 永田
敷地内道路情報の作成 by SD 永田
Connecting stations and subway entrances to the network. by Bramson
道路追加等 by machiro
Connecting stations and subway entrances to the network. by Bramson
道路追加等 by machiro
Update new data by Zaneo
道路追加等 by machiro
発電所を修正 by k1241451221
よみうりランド周辺 by さすらいのマッパー
南平台犬蔵土橋周辺の横断歩道追加 by s-aihara
