オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2022 年 08 月 08 日の編集記録

Fix public holidays in opening_hours by jeandeaual
五日市 by Mzaki
檜原街道 by Mzaki
Add a clinic in Kanda by jeandeaual
Fix invalid oneway values by riiga
森林などを追加 by イカしたイカ
Connecting stations and subway entrances to the network. by Bramson
レンタサイクルに追記 by kawah64
レンタサイクルに追記 by kawah64
レンタサイクルに追記 by kawah64
道路があります by aiko34606
道路があります by aiko34606
道路があります by aiko34606
s by SURAJ K S
Connecting stations and subway entrances to the network. by Bramson
公園を詳細マッピング by maripogoda
Connecting stations and subway entrances to the network. by Bramson
精華公園周辺を編集 by maripogoda
Add Cafe, 5 Vending machine, 6 Fast food, 3 Toilets, Information, Ice cream; Edit Drinking water, 3 Attraction roller coaster, Attraction carousel, 4 Toilets, Attraction big wheel, Food court. by ceyu
Add 4 Vending machine, 5 Fast food, 2 Toilets, Information, Ice cream; Edit Attraction roller coaster, 2 Toilets, Attraction big wheel, Food court. by ceyu
林道名称を追加 by ganchan183
林道名称を追加 by ganchan183
道路追加等 by machiro
typo building by user_5359
