オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2022 年 07 月 27 日の編集記録

東5丁目踏切 現地調査により名称・営業キロ追加(北見市大通東5丁目) by Hokkosha
I fixed payment: keys based on the discussion and the decision in the Japanese OpenStreetMap community. Please refer to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Key:payment and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA_talk:Key:payment . by brickbird
I fixed payment: keys based on the discussion and the decision in the Japanese OpenStreetMap community. Please refer to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Key:payment and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA_talk:Key:payment . by brickbird
I fixed "payment:" keys based on the discussion and the decision in the Japanese OpenStreetMap community. Please refer to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Key:payment and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA_talk:Key:payment . by brickbird
北海道建築物 by MY5DVrAr0e599Japan
fixing tagging errors related to building=Restaurant all the restaurant tags were duplicated on the building. I removed those. by marczoutendijk
北海道建築物 by MY5DVrAr0e599Japan
kikoro by damianbenente
rusutsu by damianbenente
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点の歩行者用横断歩道を追加 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
芦別市_道路・建物_編集 by jyun76
交差点を変更 by 日胆地区作成班
芦別市_道路・建物_編集 by jyun76
北海道建築物 by MY5DVrAr0e599Japan
railway=switch add. by stosh77
railway=switch add. by stosh77
芦別市_道路・建物_編集 by jyun76
footway add. by stosh77
I added "payment:" keys based on the discussion and the decision in the Japanese OpenStreetMap community. Please refer to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Key:payment and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA_talk:Key:payment . by brickbird
editing by HIK95
editing by HIK95
POI の名前を修正 by Mozkun
のぼりべつクマ牧場(tourism=zoo)の情報と範囲(bing参照)修正、「第1牧場」「第2牧場」「ヒトのオリ」を追加、建物をトレース(GSI Kiban)。 by Mozkun
Add name in Thai by BeckNoDa
2〜6条通、買物公園の施設を追加。 by MonoGreen
