オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2022 年 07 月 26 日の編集記録

Fixing some stations and their stops and adding entrances by Bramson
Fixing some stations and their stops and adding entrances by Bramson
Narita POI update, repair by a5ary
名称、管理者の変更 by Goka_bow
名称、管理者の変更 by Goka_bow
Fixing some stations and their stops and adding entrances by Bramson
Add some buildings. by Biebie_matsu
TSUTAYA by もこな
TSUTAYA by もこな
TSUTAYA by もこな
Fixing some stations and their stops and adding entrances by Bramson
微修正 by seichan1028
Fixing some stations and their stops and adding entrances by Bramson
Update the shapes of some buildings. by Biebie_matsu
Update the shapes of some buildings. by Biebie_matsu
Add some buildings. by Biebie_matsu
Add some buildings. by Biebie_matsu
added some buildings by つse
東金 by JaLooooNz
