オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2022 年 07 月 11 日の編集記録

山口町に歩道追加 by horisyu
Changed highway type. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated parking and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Refined farmlands. Adjusted ways to aerial image. by okadatsuneo
Updated missing and wrong convenience stores by DollariusG
Refined farmlands. Adjusted ways to aerial image. by okadatsuneo
changed bycycle to bicycle by ChrissW-R1
修正 by かなちゃん
新店舗「ふわこっぺ 熊内橋通店」追加 by しまりす
add acrea HIMEJI building and footway by nogajun
バスルート追加。問題は確認次第修正。 by io2528e
建物名称追記 by northernsongs
建物名称追記 by northernsongs
修正 by io2528e
add Hyogo Prefectural Harima-Himeji General Medical Center building by nogajun
多々良木発電所周辺道路補遺 by RasandRoad
漢字の修正 by okadatsuneo
Adjusted ways to aerial image. by okadatsuneo
与布土ダム及び周辺道路等作成・補遺 by RasandRoad
