オープンストリートマップ 愛媛県 2022 年 05 月 08 日の編集記録

motorway by zyxzyx
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
大野原町福田原 by benzabenza Yuki Takahashi
Fix Buildings by todama
Add Buildings by todama
Add Buildings by todama
motorway by zyxzyx
motorway by zyxzyx
motorway by zyxzyx
Add Buildings by todama
愛南町の老人ホーム自在園が移転しており、現在ははまゆう保育所になっているので、訂正しました。 by kz1000s1
愛南町のはまゆう乳幼児保育所の位置がずれていたので訂正しました。 by kz1000s1
愛南町の西海道路口バス停の情報をアップデートしました。 by kz1000s1
みしょうMICのトイレの位置を訂正しました。 by kz1000s1
南レク馬瀬山公園とそのアクセスルートを整備しました。 by kz1000s1
擁壁とフェンスを西海道路に追加した理由を書きました。 by kz1000s1
愛媛県道34号線を誤って愛知県道と書いたので、訂正しました。 by kz1000s1
南レク馬瀬山公園の形を整えました。 by kz1000s1
あいなんバス馬瀬山公園入口のバス停の情報を整えました。 by kz1000s1
Deleted pool facilities which are tagged as leisure=sports_centre and added access=private tags to pools in schools. by okadatsuneo
