オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2022 年 01 月 16 日の編集記録

beginning repair of complicated seawall. most is now a ped path that is covered with bollards. not mapped properly yet. by javbw
beginning repair of complicated seawall. most is now a ped path that is covered with bollards. not mapped properly yet. by javbw
航空写真に基づいて建物と道路を追加。 by noto0648
建物の追加 by 下り専門
Add Cafe. by wallpaperman
beginning repair of complicated seawall. most is now a ped path that is covered with bollards. not mapped properly yet. by javbw
米津町: 建物、農地、水路の追加・修正。自動車販売店、工場、発電所を追加。 by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
