オープンストリートマップ 茨城県 2022 年 01 月 15 日の編集記録

Additions and updates according to "Japan GSI Standard Map" and BING areal and Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery by pouchon70
Additions and updates according to "Japan GSI Standard Map" and BING areal and Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery by pouchon70
Additions and updates according to "Japan GSI Standard Map" and BING areal and Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery by pouchon70
Additions and updates according Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery by pouchon70
いわき市川部町周辺の道路建物入力 by Mapa libre
成田;千葉交通 by JaLooooNz
成田;千葉交通 by JaLooooNz
add wikidata tags within Tochigi Prefecture, Japan by higa4
銚子市 by JaLooooNz
add wikidata tags within Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan by higa4
Created 8 restaurants, 2 place_of_worships, and 9 other objects by ttttnnnnn
