オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2022 年 01 月 07 日の編集記録

大庄のこだまちゃんを編集 by openamap
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: https://www.mapcontrib.xyz/t/e5c83c-OpenPianosMap by Yaaaaaaaa
兵庫県加古川市別府町の道路、建物の追加、変更 #codeforharima #Onebyone,#kakogawa60 by HarimaWood
Minor cleanup based on road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Minor cleanup based on road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Added name:en translation for #maproulette challenge 23174 (JPN - Japanese to English Parks Name Translation). #maproulette by sinclarius
兵庫県加古川市別府町の道路、建物の追加、変更 #codeforharima #Onebyone,#kakogawa60 by HarimaWood
Updates based on satellite photos and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on satellite photos and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
加古川市麺工房おおにしの追加 by HarimaWood
兵庫県加古川市別府町の道路、建物の追加、変更 #codeforharima #Onebyone,#kakogawa60 by HarimaWood
立花の杉澤医院を追加 by openamap
Updates based on satellite photos and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on satellite photos and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Add type of barrier for railway crossing by Shinji Enoki
Add housenumbers by Shinji Enoki
Add building types by Shinji Enoki
Add road surface info by Shinji Enoki
Add parking type by Shinji Enoki
Add whether there is a parking fee by Shinji Enoki
Add tactile pavings on crosswalks by Shinji Enoki
Add path surfaces by Shinji Enoki
Add whether way is lit by Shinji Enoki
Add whether there are cycleways by Shinji Enoki
Add road lanes by Shinji Enoki
Add whether there are sidewalks by Shinji Enoki
加古川市麺工房おおにしの営業時間、住所、電話番号等を追加 #codeforharima,#onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa60 by HarimaWood
加古川市別府町の建物、道路を追加 #codeforharima,#onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa60 by HarimaWood
豊岡市但東町奥矢根・矢根の建物を地理院地図により追加、道路・川の位置を地理院地図に合わせました。 by HidakaNyo
Updates based on satellite photos and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
武庫のめばえを追加 by openamap
