オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2021 年 11 月 08 日の編集記録

建物の修正 by Y_Suzuki
建物の修正 by Y_Suzuki
建物の修正 by Y_Suzuki
syntax error corrected by Nordpfeil
建物の修正 by Y_Suzuki
Add water=* tagging to water areas by ZeLonewolf
Fix issues on waterways and water areas by ZeLonewolf
Update river tagging by ZeLonewolf
added by-pass labels, as signed, to the name and ref (the 136 shield has the english word "By-Pass" in a small rectangle added to the shield on all road signage) by javbw
Add water=* tagging to water areas by ZeLonewolf
Add water=* tagging to water areas by ZeLonewolf
Add water=* tagging to water areas by ZeLonewolf
Add water=* tagging to water areas by ZeLonewolf
Add water=* tagging to water areas by ZeLonewolf
裾野市内の地物修正 by Megane-Man-Yosh
repair of ropeway stations and random map cleanup by javbw
Nishi-izu POI update, repair by a5ary
POIの追加・更新 by 下り専門
小沢渡町: 建物、農地、水路、森林の追加・修正。薬局、福祉施設、最終処分場などを追加。 by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
舘山寺町: ホテル九重の閉館を反映。 by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
