オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2021 年 11 月 08 日の編集記録

Add water=* tagging to water areas by ZeLonewolf
加古川市野口町、建物の追加と変更  #codeForHarima,#OneByOne,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa60 by HarimaWood
Add water=* tagging to water areas by ZeLonewolf
Fix issues on waterways and water areas by ZeLonewolf
Update river tagging by ZeLonewolf
兵庫県加古川市野口町建物、道路の追加変更 #codeforharima #Onebyone #kakogawa60 by HarimaWood
地物のトレース、航路 by Juliet225
伊角・熊谷1期 by Kakuji
熊谷・高山2期 by Kakuji
金屋1期 by Kakuji
Fix opening_hours by taginfo and wiki by ForstEK
Added/updated name:* tags of motorway_junction and toll_booth. Deleted unnecessary nodes. by okadatsuneo
修正 by aniesurinku
Added/updated name:* tags of motorway_junction and parking area. Deleted unnecessary nodes. by okadatsuneo
大庄のマリンを編集 by openamap
Added/updated name:* tags of motorway_junction and parking area. Deleted unnecessary nodes. by okadatsuneo
