オープンストリートマップ 埼玉県 2021 年 08 月 29 日の編集記録

三橋 指扇 等 by feli-lj
クリニック by うさもも
産業道路建設区間 by biukaiji
Add missing features in Hatogaoka and Ishizaka by Chiaki Hayasaka
飯能日高 by 芋けんぴ
Add missing features in Hatogaoka and Ishizaka by Chiaki Hayasaka
日高市 by 芋けんぴ
通行止め by 芋けんぴ
名称の漢字間違えを修正。 by hillsigo
add buildings by shinyshiny
adjust roads by shinyshiny
adjust roads by shinyshiny
線路撤去 by 芋けんぴ
update landuse by shinyshiny
add buildings by shinyshiny
update landuse by shinyshiny
update landuse by shinyshiny
update landuse by shinyshiny
update landuse by shinyshiny
update landuse by shinyshiny
update landuse by shinyshiny
add points by shinyshiny
