オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2021 年 08 月 15 日の編集記録

residential by zyxzyx
tertiary by zyxzyx
横浜市戸塚区秋葉町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
hospital by zyxzyx
Building/Roads Mapping in around Saginuma, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
建物追加 by a2021
Building/Roads Mapping in around HigashiarimaSaginuma, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
Building/Roads Mapping in around Higashiarima, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
水域 玄倉ダム by Triglav2018
新青崩隧道 by Triglav2018
線路名称等の追加 by MREG
青崩第一洞門 by Triglav2018
wikidata 玄倉川 by Triglav2018
fixed some street by yoshitk
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by 77Chi76
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by 77Chi76
微修正 by seichan1028
微修正 by seichan1028
送電線路の追加 by MREG
建物 by yyoha
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by tripod_kettle
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by tripod_kettle
Building/Roads Mapping in around Higashiarima, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by tripod_kettle
農地等追加 by a2021
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by tripod_kettle
微修正 by seichan1028
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by tripod_kettle
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by tripod_kettle
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by tripod_kettle
cliff 青崩 by Triglav2018
微修正 by seichan1028
新青崩隧道 by Triglav2018
建物の追加 by U20
微修正 by a2021
塔種類の変更 by MREG
Building and roads mapping in Asao Ward Kawasaki by U20
Updated sidewalks from walk. by Zaneo
Updated sidewalks from walk. by Zaneo
Updated sidewalks from walk. Fix crossing later by Zaneo
横浜市戸塚区品濃町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
Updated sidewalks from walk. Fix crossing later by Zaneo
Updated items from walk. by Zaneo
横浜市戸塚区品濃町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
横浜市戸塚区品濃町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
横浜市戸塚区品濃町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
大和市福田エリアにある建物を地理院地図、基盤地図情報からトレース by tom_konda
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific #ammjapan by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific #ammjapan by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific #ammjapan by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
I added walkway by gaku-tt
I added "Fujisawa-Hatama-inuneko-byoin" (vet) by gaku-tt
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
I modified walk way. by gaku-tt
I modified walk way. by gaku-tt
I added baker named "PINY" by gaku-tt
I added road by gaku-tt
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
Added a hospital named"三須こどもクリニック". by gaku-tt
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by taana
種別を「歩道」に変更 by gaku-tt
歩道から修正 by gaku-tt
