オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2021 年 08 月 10 日の編集記録

大和市下和田エリアにある地物を地理院空中写真によりトレース by tom_konda
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Ashley_T
#removed unnecessary names from building by VLD180
Moved description to note field by VLD174
Moved description to note field by VLD174
Moved description to note field by VLD174
Building/Roads Mapping in around Mizonokuchi, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
Removed redundant descriptor name by VLD174
Building/Roads Mapping in around Saginuma, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
地蔵追加 by a2021
Building/Roads Mapping in around Saginuma, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
妙蓮寺駅周辺のPOIを追加 by nyampire
Building/Roads Mapping in around Saginuma, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
建物追加 by a2021
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
建物追加 by a2021
Building/Roads Mapping in around Saginuma, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
建物追加 by a2021
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
Add housenumbers by Benpro82
Add opening hours by Benpro82
Add building and roof levels by Benpro82
Add roof shapes by Benpro82
Add whether there are cycleways by Benpro82
Add road surface info by Benpro82
Add road lanes by Benpro82
Add bus stop shelter by Benpro82
Add tactile pavings on bus stops by Benpro82
Add whether a bus stop has a bench by Benpro82
Add whether a bus stop has a bin by Benpro82
Add whether a bus stop is lit by Benpro82
Add speed limits by Benpro82
Add whether there are sidewalks by Benpro82
Add whether way is lit by Benpro82
Add path surfaces by Benpro82
Add whether steps have a ramp by Benpro82
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
update landuse by shinyshiny
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
Building/Roads Mapping in around Saginuma, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
Adding buildings and roads in Odawara city #hotosm-project-11235 #Furuhashilab #YouthMappersAGU #DRONEBIRD #OpenStreetMap17 #OSMAsiaPacific by Kohki Kikuchi
六角橋周辺 by RKoizumi
建物追加 by a2021
建物追加 by a2021
微修正 by seichan1028
建物追加 by a2021
Building/Roads Mapping in around Saginuma, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
建物追加 by a2021
建物追加 by a2021
建物追加 by a2021
微修正 by seichan1028
微修正 by seichan1028
微修正 by seichan1028
地理院地図・オルソを元に建物を追加。道路を修正。 by M_Sasamichi
微修正 by seichan1028
