オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2021 年 07 月 29 日の編集記録

大和市福田エリアの存在しない建物を地理院空中写真を確認して削除 by tom_konda
内出緑地 by RYU1963
#teachosm-project-883 #UNICEF #ASWAII #OSMBDF #b2c #ymresearch by Ernest Yawoe
#teachosm-project-883 #UNICEF #ASWAII #OSMBDF #b2c #ymresearch by Ernest Yawoe
Updates waste waster plant. by Zaneo
#teachosm-project-1160 #DRONEBIRD #FuruhashiLab #調布建物マッピング #b2c #ymresearch by Ernest Yawoe
Added sport pitch to school. by Zaneo
Added helipad. by Zaneo
#teachosm-project-1160 #DRONEBIRD #FuruhashiLab #調布建物マッピング #b2c #ymresearch by Ernest Yawoe
#teachosm-project-883 #UNICEF #ASWAII #OSMBDF #b2c #ymresearch by Ernest Yawoe
#teachosm-project-883 #UNICEF #ASWAII #OSMBDF #b2c #ymresearch by Ernest Yawoe
#teachosm-project-1160 #DRONEBIRD #FuruhashiLab #調布建物マッピング #b2c #ymresearch by Ernest Yawoe
Updated cycle way designation. by Zaneo
#teachosm-project-1160 #DRONEBIRD #FuruhashiLab #調布建物マッピング #b2c #ymresearch by Ernest Yawoe
Added greenery. by Zaneo
Added sport pitch to school. by Zaneo
山頂・駐車場・橋等追加、森林の切れ目設定ほか(小山町・山北町・山中湖村) by Oos1812
Converted woods to multi-polygon. Stretched over university. by Zaneo
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Olivia3
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Olivia3
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Tiffany Frias
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Tiffany Frias
施設名の更新 by かにかま
Removed relation=* by JriSv250
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #PHLYcares by Julie Ducato
Building/Roads Mapping in around Mizonokuchi, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
Building/Roads Mapping in around Mizonokuchi, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
tag訂正 by a2021
tag訂正 by a2021
逗子駅周辺を現地調査 by muramototomoya
逗子駅周辺を現地調査 by muramototomoya
モスクの情報追記、駐車場追加ほか(海老名市上郷) by Oos1812
横浜市旭区二俣川 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
Updated cycle way designation. by Zaneo
横浜市戸塚区品濃町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
ダブり解消 by a2021
tag訂正 by a2021
area=yes追加 by a2021
area=yes追加 by a2021
国土地理院GSIMAPを参照してリレーションを追加 by taketaketake
Fixed bad tag. by Zaneo
Stop signs and crosswalks. Upgraded bus tags. by Zaneo
POI by Shanbu
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by BenHunt
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by BenHunt
大和市下和田エリアのサーベイ (2021/07/29 survey) by tom_konda
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by BenHunt
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by BenHunt
POI by Shanbu
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by BenHunt
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by BenHunt
内出緑地 by RYU1963
Building/Roads Mapping in around Mizonokuchi, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
展望台追加 by RYU1963
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by brannan
下河原川 そうせいの滝 by RYU1963
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
城山湖周辺散策路 by RYU1963
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Emily Hull
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by kellyywuu
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Tyler_Stewart
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Emily Hull
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by kellyywuu
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by kellyywuu
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by CailleyBryan
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Anna Gardner
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ashlee Steiner
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by kellyywuu
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ehigg012
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by kellyywuu
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ehigg012
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ashlee Steiner
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by KaitCoyne
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Emily Hull
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Tyler_Stewart
mapped buildings by RomilP
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by CailleyBryan
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ehigg012
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by evanluchs
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ehigg012
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Emily Hull
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
plotted buildings by RomilP
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ehigg012
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by kellyywuu
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Tyler_Stewart
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Andrea Long
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Anna Gardner
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by evanluchs
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ashlee Steiner
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by gabe21
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Tyler_Stewart
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Caroline Fogarty
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Caleb Hage
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Caleb Hage
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Emily Hull
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Anna Gardner
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Caleb Hage
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ehigg012
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by KaitCoyne
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Rachel Toscano
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Tyler_Stewart
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Emily Hull
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Caroline Fogarty
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Andrea Long
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by gabe21
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ehigg012
#covid19 by Anna Kennedy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Caleb Hage
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by RDesai1
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by RDesai1
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Emily Hull
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Yasin Ajani
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by BenHunt
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by RDesai1
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Caroline Fogarty
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Tyler_Stewart
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by KaitCoyne
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Matt_Hollosy
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by BenHunt
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ashlee Steiner
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by oliviadestefano
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Emily Hull
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Ehigg012
plotted buildings by RomilP
