オープンストリートマップ 愛媛県 2021 年 07 月 26 日の編集記録

Added several tags to train/subway/tram stations in Japan by Benjy204
伊予寒川駅をwiki記載のルールに合うよう修正 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:railway%3Dstation by mds878
The community center is next to the town's city hall branch office. by Silverio Tagliamonte
The bakery is on the corner of the intersection. The parking lot is very narrow. The red-rooved building next to the bakery is not part of the bakery as far as I know. All bread is sold and bought in the black-rooved building. by Silverio Tagliamonte
I think it's 24-hour. It runs on solar power and there's a person working in the hexagonal building a lot of the time if you have any questions or you want to get change back. by Silverio Tagliamonte
It's a normal Family Mart on the corner of the intersection. by Silverio Tagliamonte
This bakery is extremely popular among locals and is the pride of many people in the town. by Silverio Tagliamonte
Add footway by todama
Add Buildings by todama
