オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2021 年 07 月 13 日の編集記録

横浜市旭区南本宿町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by AveryAnderson0
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by AveryAnderson0
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by AveryAnderson0
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by AveryAnderson0
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by AveryAnderson0
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Koalacat
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Koalacat
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #CISCOCXCSS by cayla_cx
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #CISCOCXCSS by cayla_cx
Building/Roads Mapping in around Shukugawara, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Oliver Quirke
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Oliver Quirke
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Oliver Quirke
道路の追加と修正 by firekong
道路追加等 by machiro
layer追加 by a2021
Building/Roads Mapping in around Shukugawara, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Aaronxu0531
Added smoothness information. Added some incline information. by Zaneo
Fixed disconnected pedestrian overpass. Added sidewalks and intersection. by Zaneo
Added private gate to factory by Zaneo
Added trees and tree rows. by Zaneo
Addressed tag issues. Mostly upgrading tags. Fixed a few crosswalks. by Zaneo
Updated station/rail information. by Zaneo
Updated rail information. by Zaneo
Fixed up disconnected pedestrian overpass. Added tree rows, and trees. by Zaneo
Added Daishibashi station internal details. by Zaneo
相模原市南区古淵の建物を記入、一部修正 by kawah64
Fix up stop signs and one ways. Fixed incorrectly marked one ways which were actually time restricted. by Zaneo
おいしい九州料理がたくさん by ando-masaaki
Added some trees, and fixed crosswalks. by Zaneo
Added some trees, and fixed crosswalks. by Zaneo
建物・道路の追加 by U20
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by DofEsilver
Added tree rows. by Zaneo
九州うまかもん 時乃屋 by ando-masaaki
Added details to Shimachu parking. by Zaneo
建物全般 by ando-masaaki
ファミリーマート by ando-masaaki
Building/Roads Mapping in around Shukugawara, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
建物 by yyoha
大和市上和田団地にある駐車場を地理院空中写真からトレース by tom_konda
鶴見区元宮周辺の建物の修正とトレース、道路の修正 by Imagener
間違いを修正 by RYU1963
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by JohnUK2020
大和市上和田団地にある横断歩道の形状を地理院空中写真を使い修正 by tom_konda
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by JohnUK2020
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by JohnUK2020
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by 谷中七桜子
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by JohnUK2020
横浜市旭区南本宿町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
竹山団地周辺 by RKoizumi
横浜市旭区南本宿町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
竹山団地周辺 by RKoizumi
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #ciscortp #ciscocxcss by HunterH
相原歩道橋追加 by slateblue
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 #ciscocxcss by cayla_cx
