オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2021 年 07 月 12 日の編集記録

Update bus routes 南63 by geohachi
Added many missing sidewalks, and crossings. Fixed incorrectly labelled cycles paths, to cycle + pedestrian. by Zaneo
Added missing sluice gate. by Zaneo
Changed some foot paths into foot/cycling paths. Added dismount information. Added bicycle to some roads. by Zaneo
横浜市旭区南本宿町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
Added missing crosswalks, and sidewalks. by Zaneo
とうやま児童遊園地の追加と周辺の道路を修正 by firekong
稲田堤周辺 by さすらいのマッパー
バス路線の追加など by hy57012
Added parking lot. Added missing green space. Fixed several pedestrian intersections. by Zaneo
公園の追加と周辺の道路を修正 by firekong
Building/Roads Mapping in around Shukugawara, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
Building/Roads Mapping in around Shukugawara, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
... by liuxinyu970226
Updated main bridge path to discourage cyling usage. The sides of the bridge should be used instead. by Zaneo
Added several missing shops. Added shop interior. Fixed up boundaries of some buildings from images. by Zaneo
Updated restaurant details. Changed building type to pre-school/kindergarden. by Zaneo
Added marked crosswalk by Zaneo
Added marked crosswalk. Added some green space. Removed redundant road. by Zaneo
Changed tag value according to the discussion in talk-ja ML. https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ja/2021-July/010941.html by okadatsuneo
Fixed several cross walks. by Zaneo
Cleaned up many intersections. Added some steps to underground tunnel. Started to convert intersections to suggested method. by Zaneo
相模原市南区古淵の建物を記入 by kawah64
駐車場追加、営業時間追記ほか(海老名市中央) by Oos1812
Adjusted crosswalk format to standard from wiki. by Zaneo
Updated pedestrian crossings to use format from wiki. by Zaneo
Building/Roads Mapping in around Shukugawara, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
横浜市旭区南本宿町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
Fixed bike path across road. Fixed raised structure. Fixed several intersections. by Zaneo
横浜市旭区南本宿町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
Added some missing shops. Corrected outdated info on shop name. Cleaned up some intersections. by Zaneo
相模原市南区古淵の建物を記入、道路を修正 by kawah64
Cleaned up track field near river. by Zaneo
Fixed line that should have been an area. by Zaneo
Attached stairs to pedestrian area. by Zaneo
Added park, and some trees. by Zaneo
Expanded parking lot. Fixed crosswalk. by Zaneo
Accidentally used outdated aerial data in previous change. Fixed crosswalks. Since construction was done. by Zaneo
Fixed up cross walk. by Zaneo
Modified parking structures. by Zaneo
Added play structure by Zaneo
Added baseball field by Zaneo
Added play structure by Zaneo
Added parking lot to park. And some benches. by Zaneo
Modified crosswalks around Daishi park. by Zaneo
Started to fill path in water park. by Zaneo
Updated pedestrian crossings to use format from wiki. Added sidewalks towards Haneda. Added some grass. by Zaneo
Added information about blocked road due to construction of bridge. by Zaneo
Fixed up cycling information. by Zaneo
らん美容室、椙村歯科を記入、建物に階数を追記 by kawah64
Fixed up horse track, nearby path, and sports fields. by Zaneo
自動販売機を記入 by kawah64
Building/Roads Mapping in around Shukugawara, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
Fixed up cycling information along Tama river. by Zaneo
Added markers to stores. by Zaneo
Added path in park by Zaneo
Added building current under construction. by Zaneo
建物 by yyoha
バス路線の追加など by hy57012
Added minor road. by Zaneo
建物と道路を追加 by firekong
Modified pedestrian paths, and crosswalks. by Zaneo
Upgraded tags. by Zaneo
Added crosswalk. Added stairs for pedestrian overpass. by Zaneo
Went down the issue list and closed issue. Primarily upgrading tags. Finding correct brands. Fixing some issues with clipping buildings. Fixed some non-routable paths. by Zaneo
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by moena hirama
Changed from service road to parking aisle. by Zaneo
Building/Roads Mapping in around Shukugawara, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa pref by hatochan
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Terunakajima
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Terunakajima
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Terunakajima
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by Chris Philpot
道路の追加と修正 by firekong
建物 by yyoha
エスカレーターの位置訂正 by a2021
タグ訂正(屋根ではなく建物) by a2021
道路形状修正 by yamamedia
大和市上和田団地にある駐車場を地理院空中写真からトレース by tom_konda
漁港の駅TOTOCO小田原の道路と駐車場を追加 by yamamedia
階段を追加 by yamamedia
西湘PA下りを修正 by yamamedia
Added buildings, edited buildings, edited residential roads. by Jack Wai
道路の追加と修正 by firekong
brands by Yuxian
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by MarcelGIS
brands by Yuxian
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by MarcelGIS
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by MarcelGIS
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by MarcelGIS
#hotosm-project-11092 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #202107豪雨 by MarcelGIS
横浜市旭区南本宿町 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
