オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2021 年 07 月 03 日の編集記録

#maproulette convert tennis court node to area by JannikK
Buildings and Rice fields mapping in Katori City #hotosm-project-11076 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #香取市 by 谷中七桜子
Buildings and Rice fields mapping in Katori City #hotosm-project-11076 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #香取市 by 谷中七桜子
Buildings and Rice fields mapping in Katori City #hotosm-project-11076 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #香取市 by 谷中七桜子
Buildings and Rice fields mapping in Katori City #hotosm-project-11076 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #香取市 by 谷中七桜子
Buildings and Rice fields mapping in Katori City #hotosm-project-11076 #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #香取市 by 谷中七桜子
追記 by @T@
追記 by @T@
修正 by @T@
追加 by @T@
追加 by @T@
追加 by @T@
修正 by @T@
修正 by @T@
修正 by @T@
追加 by @T@
図書館のWikipedia・Wikidataリンク、建物の情報追記、神社追加、店舗のタグ更新ほか(市川市鬼高) by Oos1812
