オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2021 年 06 月 25 日の編集記録

brands by Yuxian
Edit buildings , roads and land use based on GSI.. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit buildings , roads and land use based on GSI.. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit buildings , roads and land use based on GSI.. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit buildings , roads and land use based on GSI.. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit buildings , roads and land use based on GSI.. by Kohki Hiraga
航空写真に基づいて建物を追加。道路のトレース by noto0648
Edit buildings , roads and land use based on GSI.. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit buildings & roads based on GSI & Bing. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit buildings & roads based on GSI & Bing. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit buildings & roads based on GSI & Bing. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit buildings & roads based on GSI & Bing. by Kohki Hiraga
河川の精度向上、建物の追加 by 下り専門
... by liuxinyu970226
Edit buildings , roads and land use based on GSI.. by Kohki Hiraga
