オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2021 年 06 月 16 日の編集記録

道路線形修正 by yossaito
道路線形修正 by yossaito
詳細修正 by qaz2020
April 2021 Hospital business succession by Boss_811KK
愛知県愛西市古瀬町周辺トレース by TKE-waka
愛知県弥富市内駐車場接続道路追加 by TKE-waka
Not perfect, but fixed building outline somewhat. by Ottawajin
Added part of cycleway adjacent to Airport Route. Coordinates may be slightly off due to poor quality satellite photo. by Ottawajin
基本的な情報を投稿した。Added basic building information. by Ottawajin
Modified sidewalk position slightly west to better account for true position and include room for adjacent cycleway. by Ottawajin
Extended cycle path north as per site survey. by Ottawajin
Added info on cycle ramp. 自転車ランプ情報投稿した。 by Ottawajin
Clarified that the pedestrian walkway is a staircase. このhighway は歩行者専用の「階段」。自転車坂路は有りません。 by Ottawajin
Changed tag from pathway to steps as per local knowledge. Tagはsteps「階段」に変更した。 by Ottawajin
Added information on bridge composition. 橋は金属で作られた。 by Ottawajin
Added information on staircase composition, direction from ground level. by Ottawajin
Added information on staircase composition, direction from ground level. by Ottawajin
Added information on staircase composition, direction from ground level + bicycle ramp. by Ottawajin
Updated bicycle parking information by Ottawajin
Staircase links to pedestrian bridge, so changed to bridge=yes. by Ottawajin
Added bridge=yes because stairs link to bridge above by Ottawajin
