オープンストリートマップ 栃木県 2021 年 06 月 06 日の編集記録

那須町の状況を反映 by isores
Moved imported quarter points to match the actual neighborhoods/boundaries. Watarase Usuichi flood control basis/levees have been built over old neighborhoods, but the old boundary lines still exist legally. As the neighborhoods no longer actually exist, by javbw
repair around usuichi by javbw
那須町の状況を反映 by isores
那須町の状況を反映 by isores
小山高専建物を追加 by Oym-island
那須町の状況を反映 by isores
小山高専建物を追加 by Oym-island
小山高専建物を追加 by Oym-island
那須町の状況を反映 by isores
repairs around road station after ground survey by javbw
repair of mis-mapped cycle road slip road. by javbw
