オープンストリートマップ 三重県 2021 年 05 月 17 日の編集記録

鈴鹿市の伊船町、伊船新田、東庄内町、亀山市の川崎町の道路の追加・修正 by ElvenJp
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
update trace by trace1125
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
ISJ import: 24324_員弁郡東員町; Added name:* tags. by okadatsuneo_import
ISJ import: 24303_桑名郡木曽岬町; Added name:* tags. by okadatsuneo_import
ISJ import: 24215_志摩市; Added name:* tags. by okadatsuneo_import
ISJ import: 24211_鳥羽市; Added name:* tags. by okadatsuneo_import
update trace by trace1125
update trace by trace1125
四日市市の笹川、波木町、山田町の道路の追加・修正 by ElvenJp
四日市市の笹川、波木町、波木南台、日永の道路の追加・修正 by ElvenJp
