オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2021 年 03 月 23 日の編集記録

Fix broken polygons by sebastic
神崎川横断道路を削除 by openamap
Cleanup via satellite photos and road data at gsi.jp, and a personal visit yesterday by Jeffrey Friedl
Minor cleanup based on road data at gsi.jp and satellite photos, and a personal visit yesterday by Jeffrey Friedl
One-way residential roads in Japan are not generally one-way for bicycles. by Jeffrey Friedl
One-way residential roads in Japan are not generally one-way for bicycles. by Jeffrey Friedl
One-way residential roads in Japan are not generally one-way for bicycles. by Jeffrey Friedl
Minor cleanup by Jeffrey Friedl
Add parking_aisle, photo_booth, etc. by batchy
Edit Riverbank. by batchy
Edit Riverbank. by batchy
Edit Riverbank. by batchy
Edit Riverbank. by batchy
Updates based on satellite photos and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on personal knowledge, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
総持寺エリア詳細化 by Jakugoro
Add a new cemetary by bjornstar
河内長野市木戸西町三附近の建物を追加 by taki3hira
One-way residential roads in Japan are not generally one-way for bicycles. by Jeffrey Friedl
東大阪市長堂1丁目あたりをトレース by shimao
東大阪市長堂1丁目あたりをトレース by shimao
東大阪市長堂1丁目あたりをトレース by shimao
建物・道路・敷地などを追加・修正。 by Rakkka
